Ellen D. B. Riggle

He / She / They

He/ His
          entitled, valued, privileged, unquestioned, authority, respected, confident,
          professional, leader, recognized, interesting, expert, praised, agentic, powerful,
          validated, in control, competent, consequential


          unvalued, less than, questionable, questioned, disbelieved, not credible, shamed,
          mocked, interrupted, unheard, unseen, silenced, weak, ignored, belittled,
          ridiculed, incompetent, patronized, trivialized


“Can I help you, Sir?”
          Privilege of White Male bestowed. Author of my life. My needs and desires
          How long will this last? Five seconds? Ten? A whole minute? Until I speak? Or
          look the questioner in the eye?
“Oh, I’m sorry. Ma’am?”
          Authorship evaporates, value disappears. Eyes look away. Disinterest fills the
          How long will this last? A lifetime?

Ellen D.B. Riggle has lived in Lexington (KY) for over three decades working a day job as a professor of gender and women’s studies in order to support a moderately serious hiking habit. They are author of over 100 scholarly research articles and 5 books, including a romance novel.

Next Poet: Manny Grimaldi: Rafael Alberti Destroys his Paintings