Cameron Tricker

Jesus was a Cuban Revolutionary

I was awoken from my misery by Che Guevara’s


his face plastered, on fabric and non-precious metals, reminiscent of


Well, the Cesare Borgia degradation of the same


and he was just a man

Read Guerrilla Warfare and The New Testament

forgot which was which

The Son of God ran through Santa Clara

Kalashnikov in hand

Either way, it was relief

to find belief

a system, a framework

that illuminated the commonality

that binds

I felt those filaments, intrinsic threads

pull at me

all my life

Yet, I inhabited a society


to sever those cilia

make islands of each of us

and churches

were some of the most hateful places

I ever stepped foot in

The people there

seemed to have read

a different book

Maybe mine was the version

unabridged, a perversion

of a Dead-Sea Scroll

contained within

a simple premise, the foundation of which

all good and just acts arise

you are your neighbour; your neighbour is you

Look into an iris, any iris, and you will only ever find yourself

staring back

someone longing for dignity, shelter, a fair crack

someone with something to offer, to say

someone who longs to affect change

someone whose ventricles propel

blood through their veins

veins of blue

they are I

and I am you

Cameron Tricker is a writer from a south-eastern corner of England. His work is set to appear in DUMBO Press and has been shortlisted by the UK’s National Centre or Writing.

Next Poet: Manny Grimaldi